We live in a hectic world where therapeutic massage is a basic human right. It’s no longer a luxury, if it ever was one. Like fresh air, sunshine, nutritious food and exercise, therapeutic massage has become a modern day necessity for many who want to maintain optimum health and live long, productive lives.
In an effort to make it possible for just about everyone to afford massage therapy, Riverbend offers a wide range of services, charges moderate fees and offers several savings programs.
Be a “Frequent Sigh-er”!
Riverbend’s “Frequent Sigh-er” (rhymes with flier) discount program is designed to reward client loyalty and offers $5 off each one-hour massage when a package of 3 or more sessions is paid for in advance. “Frequent Sigh-ers” are clients who are committed to experiencing the cumulative benefits of therapeutic massage by receiving massage at least three times in three consecutive months. (NO memberships or long-term commitments required.) “Frequent Sigh-er” discount cards never expire but carry a discount expiration date so as to motivate those who tend to put themselves last or simply need to economize. Call for details about this good deal that hundreds of Riverbend’s clients have been taking advantage of for many years.
Earn a Referral Reward for being a good friend!
With so many years of experience, Riverbend’s owner knows that “nice people tend to know other nice people ” and she appreciates the many referrals she receives from satisfied clients. To show appreciation for her clients’ confidence in Riverbend, Barbara sends a personalized “Thank You” card for all referrals along with a $5 credit to be enjoyed by the referrer at some future date. So, be rewarded for being a friend and referring a friend!